Merchandise NO 2B-34           

Sotosect / Eihei-Temple
      / Rousen Takashina                           Price 10,000 YEN                                                     

Rousen Takashina (1878-1968)

He was born in Fukuoka in 1878.
Sotosect /Eihei-Temple
The 71th reign superintendent priest .
Sotosect /Souji-Temple
The 12th reign superintendent priest .
Japanese Buddha church chairman
He died in 1968 at the age of 90.

Main Paper B=33.0cm H=135.0cm
Mounting Paper B=43.0cm H=189.0cm
Box Signatureless
cedar box included
Artwork is in good condition
with some light creasing.
Meaning (Heijyoushin kore michi.)
Usually natural heart is your way.

Signatureless cedar box